Cystine and Brushite (C/B) stones are notorious for high recurrency rates. Therefore, follow up of these stone formers should be strict and preventive measures should include specific diet and medications.
A large Israeli HMO database we created (over 10K stone patients) was used to identify patients with C/B stones treated between 2014 and 2019. A telephone survey was conducted evaluating patient understanding of stone composition, follow up, urine collection, treatment compliance etc. Patients’ data, emergency room (ER) visits, admissions procedures and urologist visits were compared to 100 random Calcium Oxalate patients at the same time period.
,Thirty three Cystine patients out of 62 and 39 Brushite patients out of 84 participated. In the Cystine group 75.7% were aware of their stone type and 27.2% had at least 3 stones passed in the last year but half of them did not see their urologist in the previous year. Medication [YF1] [כק2] compliance was only at 57.5%. The Brushite group had only a 28.2% stone awareness, 43.5% did not visit their urologist in the previous year and only a quarter complied with medication. When comparing ER visits, 14% of the control group had 3 times or more in comparison to 41% of the C/B group. 37% of C/B group were admitted more than once a year in comparison to only 14% in the control group.
Poor compliance of C/B patients should urge urologists to improve their follow-up in order to reduce recurrent stone events.
Alex Blinzovski,
Ruth & Bruce Rappaport faculty of medicine, Technion
Ilona Pilosov Solomon, MD
Carmel Medical Center
Yuval Freifeld, MD
Carmel Medical Center
Rani Zreik, MD
Carmel Medical Center
Mahran Kabaha, MD
Carmel Medical Center
Gazi Fares, MD
Carmel Medical Center
Yoram Dekel, MD
Carmel Medical Center
Cystine and Brushite stone formers lack of compliance with follow up and treatment
MP08: 08Session Name:Moderated Poster Session 08: Stones - Medical Management 2